To apply for Stage 1 of a Qualifications and Experience Assessment (QEA), you need to:

The application form describes:

  • the information and documentation you need to provide
  • the application fee you need to pay and how to pay it
  • how to format and send your application document to NZRAB.

The application form also refers to information about required Project Record Forms.  These forms must cover 5,250 hours work experience or more. Here is a link to the Project Record Forms.

Note that in New Zealand, certified documents must be signed by the authosed witness on every page to confirm that they are true copies.

The information you submit will be assessed by NZRAB's Qualifications and Experience Assessment Panel (the Panel) which will determine whether or not you are ready to proceed to an initial registration assessment.  Every applicants academic and work experiences are different.  All applications are considered on their own merits.

If your architectural studies and work experience together are deemed sufficient, you will be entitled to be assessed for initial registration.

If your architectural studies and/or work experience are NOT sufficient, you will be told in writing what additional study and/or work experience you need to do.  This must be completed within five years of the date of the Panel's determination.

The Panel may determine any of the following:

  • Proceed to the next steps in a Pathway 2 application for registration and need to present a case study;  or
  • Proceed to a Pathway 3 application for registration as a senior architect registered in an overseas jurisdiction with work experience in New Zealand and not be required to present a case study;  or
  • Attend specific courses of instruction;  or
  • Spend a specified period of time working under the supervision of a registered architect in New Zealand;  or
  • Attend any specific courses of instruction AND spend a specified period of time working under the supervision of a registered architect in New Zealand;  or
  • Complete a Master of Architecture (Professional) tertiary degree programme from one of the four New Zealand recognised tertiary institutions; or
  • Complete a Master of Architecture (Professional) tertiary degree programme from one of the four NZ recognised tertiary institutions AND gain further work experience in New Zealand.

There are no appeals however, on receipt of the Panel's determination, if you believe you have already met one or more of the stipulated requirements, you may submit the additional information within 60 working days and request a review.  The Panel may revise its original determination.

Once you have met whatever requirements the Panel has set, you will need to provide written evidence that you have done so.  Following that, a new determination will be issued. When your evidence is accepted, you will be issued with a new determination that you may apply to be assessed for registration.

Please note, this is not a short-cut process to a Pathway 1 application for registration.

There is no 'provisional' registration in New Zealand.
