Background Information

Why should a person be a Registered Architect?
Use of the title 'architect' and 'registered architect' is protected by law.  No person can call themselves by either title and offer design services without being currently registered with NZRAB.  If they do, then they are breaking the law.

There are other people who design buildings who may be Licensed Building Practitioners however, they are known as architectural designers, not architects.

Registration is more than a title; it signifies professionalism and confers responsibility to behave ethically.  It means the person continually works to improve their knowledge, skills and practice.  It also gives the public confidence in signifying that the architect has obtained a high-level tertiary qualification, has gained considerable work experience while working towards registration, has developed sound work practices and is subject to a statutory regulator of the profession.

Who can become a Registered Architect in New Zealand?
To apply for registration an applicant:

  • may have a recognised architectural degree and significant architectural work experience
  • may not have a recognised architectural degree, but have other architectural qualifications and/or extensive architectural experience
  • may be an architect registered in an overseas jurisdiction.

How do I apply to be a Registered Architect?
To accommodate different types of applicants NZRAB has seven different pathways to registration.  These can be found on the 'To Apply' button, under 'Initial Registration' here.

Each pathway has specific criteria which must be met before an application can be submitted.  To find out more specific detail, click on the 'To Apply' button and read the specific requirements for each pathway.

What are Project Record Forms?
Pathways 1 and 2 require Project Record Forms (PRFs) to be completed and included with the application documentation.  If you are eligible to apply via either pathway 1 or 2, it is a good idea to fill out the PRFs while working towards registration.

The PRFs are available to download, click on the 'Project Record Forms' button under 'Initial Registration' here.

Further Advice
For advice on registration procedures, please email or call the NZRAB Registration team on 04 471 1336.